Financial Report 2023

Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告書 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) (以港幣列賬) 2023 Financial Report 二零二三財務報告 4 HKU SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION The School’s total (part-time and full-time) enrolment increased in 2022-23, with 103,320 students enrolled on courses compared to 93,208 in 2021-22. Full-time enrolments continued to grow, and so did part-time enrolments, particularly in short, professional and executive courses. A total comprehensive income of $76 million was recorded (202122: total comprehensive loss of $4 million). With its vision of seeking to excel in quality education and become a leading lifelong learning provider in the region, the School continues to invest in the development of new programmes as well as the improvement of learning and other facilities across its teaching centres. The Community Colleges of the School, including HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College, jointly established with Po Leung Kuk in 2006, offer a range of full-time sub-degree programmes and have achieved consistent success in student recruitment despite the drop in the secondary school leaving population. The 2022/23 academic year was characterised by fewer disruptions due to COVID-19. Strong enrolments (both full-time and part-time) in the early part of the year carried the School through to a sound financial performance. 香港大學專業進修學院 本年度報讀學院課程的學生總數(包括兼讀制及全 日制)為十萬零三千三百二十人次(上年度為九萬 三千二百零八人次)。報讀全日制及兼讀制的學生人數 持續增加,特別是短期、專業及行政兼讀制課程。 本年度總綜合收益為七千六百萬元(上年度總綜合虧損 為四百萬元)。 學院致力為香港和鄰近地區提供優質的持續進修教學 服務,會繼續投放資源拓展新課程和改善學院各教學 中心的教學及其他設施。 學院轄下附屬學院包括於二零零六年與保良局合作開 辦的香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院, 提供一系列的全日制副學士課程,儘管面對中學畢業 生數目減少,仍能成功吸納學生就讀。 在二零二二╱二三學年,學院雖略受新型冠狀病毒病 影響,但本學年初段的收生情況(包括兼讀制及全日 制)理想,因此在營運上的財政表現依然良好。